Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabinoid that has become increasingly popular, and it’s used for a variety of reasons. It can be ingested as an oil, which means it can also be added to edibles such as gummies or capsules. Some people choose to use CBD in its liquid form, while others prefer to vape the chemical compound.
Even though the cannabinoid is legal in most states, it’s important to know how it affects our bodies before using it. For example, some people may experience anxiety if they consume too much CBD, so it’s critical to understand how the substance works before you start vaping it regularly. This article will explain what CBD does in your body and why it might make you feel anxious.
It’s important to note that when discussing the effects of CBD, there are many different factors that have to be considered. For example, how much THC is present in the product, whether or not it was produced organically, and what the manufacturing process entailed. These variables all play into what we see with CBD. Buy CBD pre rolls today.
CBD Oil Effects
If you’re new to CBD, you may be wondering about its effects on you. You want to know if you should vape CBD instead of smoking weed, right? Well, there are many things that determine this answer.
First off, let’s talk about the types of effects that CBD can bring to the table. There are two main categories that are associated with CBD. The first one is anxiolytic effects, which mean that the substance calms you down. If you’re feeling anxious, CBD could help you relax. It can do this by reducing your perception of pain, stress, and depression.
The second category of CBD effects is psychotropic. What does this mean? Basically, it describes the ways that CBD alters your mood. For example, CBD can cause feelings of euphoria, relaxation, or even paranoia. Although these effects aren’t always pleasant, it’s better than having no effect at all.
Of course, both of these categories of effects are dependent upon each other. If you take CBD to relieve anxiety, it can often create more problems. On the contrary, if you use CBD to counteract the pain from anxiety, it can actually increase your sense of well-being.
How CBD Works
Now that we’ve covered the benefits and drawbacks of CBD, let’s dive deeper into how the substance works inside your brain. If you’re interested in learning more about the science behind CBD, you can check out this article.
For now, we’ll focus on the basics. When you ingest CBD, it goes through your digestive tract and is absorbed by your blood vessels. It then travels into your brain, where it binds with CB1 receptors. These receptors are responsible for helping us perceive pain, pleasure, memory formation, sleepiness, and hunger.
When you bind with CB1 receptors, it activates them. CB1 receptors are usually inactive, but when activated, they release neurotransmitters that affect your overall state of mind. They also influence the amount of dopamine that reaches the frontal cortex of your brain. Dopamine is a neurochemical that helps regulate mood. So, when you bind with CB1 receptors, it causes you to feel good.
In addition to activating CB1 receptors, CBD also influences the activity of another type of receptor known as CB2. These receptors are located primarily in immune cells, specifically T-cells. In humans, CB2 receptors have been linked to the regulation of inflammation and pain relief. However, in mice, researchers found that these receptors were linked to anxiety. Because of this, scientists believe that CB2 receptors may play a role in social interaction.
CBD in Edibles
With all of this information, you’d think that CBD would be great for eating. After all, it doesn’t cause any serious side effects like alcohol and tobacco. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case.
Although CBD products don’t typically contain harmful ingredients, they’re still made with pesticides and herbicides. As mentioned earlier, organic CBD is illegal in many places because it contains trace amounts of THC. But even if it is produced organically, your food will still contain chemicals.
Because CBD is fat soluble, it can easily pass through your stomach and enter your bloodstream. Once it enters your system, it can interact with your liver enzymes, causing them to break down the chemical compound. It can then reach the rest of your body through your urine.
As far as how much CBD gets into your body, there really isn’t a set limit. According to the World Health Organization, the average person ingests approximately 9 mg of CBD every day. However, experts recommend taking less than 5 mg per day if you want to avoid unpleasant side effects.
CBD Side Effects
So, after you learn everything there is to know about CBD, you probably wonder how it affects your health. Luckily, there is a lot of research on this topic.
Unfortunately, most of this research focuses on CBD because it is the most common way to ingest the chemical compound. Since CBD is legal in most states, it’s easy to find studies about its potential benefits. But what about its downside?
Because you can get CBD through edible products, there have been a number of cases involving children who consumed too much. It can cause severe vomiting, seizures, and even death. Other side effects include drowsiness, confusion, hallucinations, and anxiety.
There have also been reports of people suffering from acute pancreatitis after consuming CBD. Acute pancreatitis is an inflammatory condition that affects your pancreas. It’s normally caused by gallstones or overuse of prescription drugs, but there have been reports of CBD being the culprit.
Since CBD is a very potent chemical compound, it can also lead to addiction. Many people take this drug recreationally because it alleviates their symptoms. But this habit can cause physical dependence, which makes it difficult to stop using the substance once you realize that you need it.
When you consume CBD, your body converts it into 11-hydroxy-cannabinol (THC). This chemical compound is similar to THC, and it acts on your CB1 receptors just like the original version of the chemical compound. However, unlike THC, CBD won’t make you high.
Instead, it can produce a number of positive physiological effects including:
- Relaxation
- Improved mood
- Reduced anxiety
- Enhanced focus
- Increased appetite
While CBD is generally safe, it can interact with certain medications. For example, it can reduce the effectiveness of antidepressants and antipsychotics, and it can inhibit the absorption of oral contraceptives.
This rundown of collaborations isn’t comprehensive. In any case, in the event that you choose to utilize CBD to treat emotional wellness issues, you ought to talk with your PCP about potential collaborations.
The main concern here is that CBD is a strong substance, and that implies it can do astounding things for your wellbeing. However, it’s vital to comprehend how it interfaces with your body. On the off chance that you’re uncertain about your resilience levels, conversing with a clinical expert can go quite far towards sorting out what is best for you.
What’s more, recollect, with regards to CBD, balance is vital. Taking an excess of CBD will cause adverse consequences. Since something is lawful doesn’t imply that it’s safe for utilization.